無縫異型管的性能指數分析-塑性是指金屬材料在載荷作用下,產生塑性變形(永久變形)而不破壞的能力。2. 無縫異型管的性能指數分析-硬度是衡量金屬材料軟硬程度的指針。目前生產中測定硬度方法最常用的是壓入硬度法,它是用一定幾何形狀的壓頭在一定載荷下壓入被測試的金屬材料表面,根據被壓入程度來測定其硬度值。常用的方法有布氏硬度(HB)、洛氏硬度(HRA、HRB、HRC)和維氏硬度(HV)等方法。
Performance Index Analysis of Seamless Profiled Pipe - Plasticity refers to the ability of metal material to produce plastic deformation (permanent deformation) without destroying under load. 2. Performance Index Analysis of Seamless Profiled Pipe-Hardness is the index to measure the degree of hardness and softness of metal materials. Pressure hardness method is the most commonly used method to measure hardness in production at present. It uses a certain geometric shape of the pressure head to press into the tested metal material surface under a certain load, and to measure its hardness value according to the degree of pressure. Common methods include Brinell hardness (HB), Rockwell hardness (HRA, HRB, HRC) and Vickers hardness (HV).
3. 無縫異型管的性能指數分析-疲勞
3. Performance Index Analysis of Seamless Profiled Pipe-Fatigue
The strength, plasticity and hardness discussed above are all mechanical performance indicators of metals under static loads. In fact, many machine parts work under cyclic loads, under which fatigue occurs.
4. 無縫異型管的性能指數分析-沖擊韌性
4. Performance Index Analysis of Seamless Profiled Pipe-Impact Toughness
The load acting on the machine parts at a great speed is called impact load, and the ability of metal to resist damage under impact load is called impact toughness.
5. 無縫異型管的性能指數分析-強度
5. Performance Index Analysis-Strength of Seamless Profiled Pipe 強度是指金屬材料在靜荷作用下抵抗破壞(過量塑性變形或斷裂)的性能。由于載荷的作用方式有拉伸、壓縮、彎曲、剪切等形式,所以強度也分為抗拉強度、抗壓強度、
Strength refers to the resistance of metal materials to failure (excessive plastic deformation or fracture) under static load. Because the load acts in the form of tension, compression, bending and shearing, the strength can also be divided into tensile strength, compressive strength, etc.