日國內無縫異型鋼管市場價格主穩(wěn)個弱。今日國內無縫異型鋼管市場跌勢放緩,大部分城市報價持穩(wěn),個別有10-30左右的調整幅度。從唐山來看,受午前期螺上漲提振,鋼坯小漲10元,盤中部分低 價資源追高,但成交一般。午盤期螺大跳水,后一直低位震蕩,市場信心再度受挫,觀望情緒轉濃。短期來看,雖成本端表現堅挺,但因需求表現欠佳,市場還是讓 利走貨為主,當前價格漲跌兩難,下跌有成本支撐,上漲需求跟進不足,因此預計短期國內無縫異型鋼管市場將延續(xù)窄幅震蕩走勢。
The market price of seamless special-shaped steel pipe in Japan is stable and weak. Today, the domestic seamless special-shaped steel pipe market declines slowly, most of the city quotations remain stable, with some adjustments ranging from 10 to 30. From Tangshan's point of view, boosted by the snail rise in the early afternoon, the billet rose by 10 yuan, some of the low-cost resources in the middle of the plate catch up, but the transaction is normal. In midday snail dive, after a low shock, market confidence once again frustrated, wait-and-see mood turned strong. In the short term, although the performance of the cost side is strong, due to poor demand performance, the market still let profit take the lead. Current prices are in a dilemma. The decline is supported by cost, and the rising demand is insufficient to follow up. Therefore, it is expected that the short-term domestic seamless special-shaped steel pipe market will continue a narrow fluctuation trend. 價格方面:現國內重點中心城市25#工字鋼的平均價格是4222元(噸價,下同),較昨日市 場價格跌3元;25#槽鋼平均價格是4285元,與昨日市場價格持平;5#角鋼平均價格是4287元,與昨日市場價格持平;200*200H型鋼平均價格 是3940元,較昨日市場價格跌5元。